Campaign Monitor

Importing your subscribers

  • Export your Campaign Monitor subscribers here.

A screenshot of the Campaign Monitor export process
A screenshot of the Campaign Monitor export process
2. Go to You may need to log in first. 3. Scroll to the bottom of the page. 4. Click the Import subscribers button at the bottom of the page, then choose the .csv file you just downloaded from Campaign Monitor.

A screenshot of the import subscribers modal.
A screenshot of the import subscribers modal.

Importing your archives (emails/templates)


Campaign Monitor emails/templates are like Buttondown archives.


According to Campaign Monitor (as of December 2021), “There’s currently no way to export the HTML and CSS files of our in-app drag and drop builder emails/templates.

You can also try reaching out to Campaign Monitor and see if they will export your emails for you. Once they give you access to your data, email me and I’ll help you with importing your archives.

You did it!

Once you finish the above steps, Buttondown will kick off an audit and migration process to make sure everything is in order. Then you should be safe to disable or deactivate your Campaign Monitor account.

By the way

With Buttondown, it’s easy to export all your data:

A screenshot of the "export data" button.
A screenshot of the "export data" button.