
Importing your subscribers (contacts)


Benchmark contacts are like Buttondown subscribers.

  • Export your Benchmark contacts here.

A screenshot of the Benchmark export process
A screenshot of the Benchmark export process
2. Go to You may need to log in first. 3. Scroll to the bottom of the page. 4. Click the Import subscribers button at the bottom of the page, then choose the .csv file you just downloaded from Benchmark.

Importing your archives (email campaigns)


Benchmark email campaigns are like Buttondown archives.

According to Benchmark (as of November 2021), “You can only print the email campaigns as a PDF. Unfortunately, you can not export them.” “You have to go in every campaign individually to print them as PDF.”

You can save or print your email campaigns as PDFs using the instructions found here. Email me and I’ll help you with importing those PDFs.

You did it!

Once you finish all of the above steps, Buttondown will kick off an audit and migration process to make sure everything is in order. Then you should be safe to disable or deactivate your Benchmark account.

Do subscribers need to re-enter their credit card?

Yes. Benchmark uses Paypal to process payments. Buttondown uses the payments processor Stripe. Unfortunately, it's not possible to transfer payment information for your Benchmark subscribers over to Buttondown.

By the way

With Buttondown, it’s easy to export all your data: